That korean girl-chey-

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MRS LEE IS ME:$ Taemin의 강박 관념은 결코 죽지 않아.food is the almighty thing that keeps me alive and i binge.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

i'm sorry.

didn't post for a day so sorry AHAHHA did you all take my blog as an entertainment?KAKAKA.
training today was quite awesome(?)except for the first run.fuck the too-hot-sun and everything.
the second part of running was plain epic.
sprints!hehehe then got race see who reach faster/don't let the person behind catch you if you're running too slowwwwwwww.
hmph in the end Jasmine and me tio 90 push-ups O: killer like seriously.
mad hot when you recover from spam doing push-ups.
aftermath headed over to KFC for lunch with biyan joey sarah jasmine sarajo and tienling!
then Jasmine guailan go bring mac to KFC as she wants mcspicy like mad.
then ate,hth talk (L)
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.muahahaha machiam like secrets-sharing LOL!
today jitao shock more then thrice.hmm maybe more then that kekeke.
i think i'm a bit unsocial rawr i don't know a lot of ppl's secrets as i don't really talk to them.
nehmind i will try to be friendlygirl97!swee ah.
slacked @ KFC about.from 12 to 5 O-O almost half day gone wahahaha.
my mum ask me eat lunch with her at home i pangseh hehehe evil me (':
hmmm i think sometimes i'm really too bad towards my mum aye.
do pity her sometimes rawr okay i shall be a gdgirl and make her happy ROFL.
nah.i was just joking hahaha huiting shall not change(Y).
hehehe she in a movie call 'blue salt' sounds lame to me lol.(joke)
WHEEE.if you're bored go listen to :i'm sorry,by beast
mad nice+very sad lmao i almost cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ):
must see the eng lyrics so you understand what they singing about.
if you didn't even know that srsly you're too noob.bang the wall and cry la pls.KIDDING LOL.


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