That korean girl-chey-

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MRS LEE IS ME:$ Taemin의 강박 관념은 결코 죽지 않아.food is the almighty thing that keeps me alive and i binge.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


-met in the morning and headed to USS for some serious fun!
ate @vivo then headed for our destination.
while queuing to purchase the admission tickets some random guy decided to sell us his additional tickets for only $70 lucky like a what only!
thereafter we went in to playyyyyyyyy!!!
started with the MUMMY ride and it's hell scary!freaked out totally but quite exciting also hohoho.
also sat for the bigbig red and blue roller coaster whee so shuang but at the same time kinda scary when it's going down cause your soul machiam like taken away!(weird feeling)



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