That korean girl-chey-

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MRS LEE IS ME:$ Taemin의 강박 관념은 결코 죽지 않아.food is the almighty thing that keeps me alive and i binge.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

drink it up yo.

LOL jonghyun act-cute-failure. -CHEY-
hehehe cute got?! of course it is,it's done by one and only huiting :$
O-O i think he effing miss shinsekyung LOL.
cute LOL!*faints*
waitwait jonghyun also have kekeke.
charming overloaded whee.
6th dec-
partnered with xiaohui twinny for ice-cream job hehehe.
not bad eh first timer she earned $30++
SWEE thanks to me this pro*clapsclaps*
xiaohui got a lot of phoebia!(?)
omg make me scared too LOL.she scares herself.
scary max.then suaysuay our block quite ulu O:
then suaysuay(x2) got one level effing dark,the lights are blinking omg then we skip that level and faster zhao.
SCARY jobs are risky o-o.
7th dec-
partner jasmine the noob hehehe.
sold 6 ice-cream only earn pathetic $14 TSKTSK!
regreted much for selling @ original price T-T
8th dec-
didn't go for training due to over-sleeping O:
woke up at around 12++
me,jasmine,sarah all didn't go cher cfm thought we pon._.
fuck yeah my mum can prove i woke up arnd 12++ okay!
i think we have no place in the team already la.
despise like some dogs?! 
i don't mind hardcore training but i mind suckish attitudes.
still need to see their faces till next year june?! oh hello i'm huiting i can do it LOL.
can't wait till next year june kay then i'm getting out of this shit.
how to get together as a team when they despise us? TSK.
darrenlye told us to hold on as they when through the same situation.
but i think we just can't eh?too bad okay. i'm quitting.
eww effing disgusted at how agitated i am.
they aren't worth any of my care and feelings.
just live my life and,

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